These books were kindly gifted by Wonderbly and were provided in exchange for an honest review. Do you have any Mother’s Day rituals? Or as a new mother, are you looking to forge your own traditions? The latter is me. Growing up, Mother’s Day always involved waking early to make…
In October I was far too disorganised to put any Halloween decorations up or to carve a pumpkin. We didn’t decorate the front of the house with lights at Christmas, either. The mum guilt was real. Well, now I’m trying to make up for it with our window display for…
Playing with coloured water is a fun activity that can keep your kids entertained for ages. It is a great way for the little ones to explore colours while engaging their visual and sensory skills. Most kids love some good, old-fashioned water play. This could be a nice little water-based…
Having lived in Rugby for most of my life, I’ll have to admit that I only discovered Swift Valley Nature Reserve a year or so ago. Lockdown has certainly helped many of us to discover hidden gems and undiscovered marvels right on our doorstep. Swift Valley Nature Reserve in Warwickshire…
Snow days; they’re either loved or loathed. Me, I love the snow, but I also know how cold those little hands can get after 5 minutes of snowman building and snowball fights. These DIY bird feeders are easy to make indoors and can also be enjoyed through the window, by…
Appropriate for 18 months to 4 years You will need: wooden or plastic animal toys to hide Let’s be honest. Lockdown on these dark, winter days brings a whole new level of boredom. Parents everywhere are having to think creatively when it comes to activities, games and entertainment. Don’t let…
If you’re anything like me then you probably love creating, building and painting when given half a chance. And if not, then fear not! It’s actually a lot easier than it looks. There’s something hugely satisfying about restoring something for your home or child. It forces you to think both…
If you’re looking for a great all-round walk in the Cotswolds, then this is it. Nestled amongst some of the Cotswolds’ most popular villages, this walk begins in Stanton, just 4 miles from Broadway and 13 miles from Bourton-on-the-water. Spoilt with steep hills, stunning views, pretty villages and rolling fields,…